Monday, May 28, 2018

Vila Bela Week 5 Transfers

So first off, if you haven´t heard, this week has started a nationwide trucker strike. Well how it works is that gasoline here is really expensive, and so the truckers weren´t making a living or at least a good one, so they decided to do a strike so that the government lowers the gas prices. What that means is that they are blocking the highways and aren´t letting anyone that is transporting anything, other than people, get through, until the government lowers the gas prices (they are high because of taxes, a lot of taxes). Anyway, the result is that factories, and other places that produce things can´t get their goods to the market, or other places. So basically no one has any gas, and transportation is very limited. They haven´t shut down the city buses in Curitiba yet, or the travel buses, but who knows how long that will last. Also the markets are running out of food. We as missionaries aren´t being that affected by it yet. There is still food, we were told to go and buy food, also there are still buses  sufficient for transfers, so so far everything has worked out.

Okay now about transfers. After one transfer in Vila Bela-Guarapuava, I was transferred to Xaxim (it is pronounced like shashing with emphasis on the ing). I was very surprised to be transferred, and sad to leave my area after such short time, but I have to trust that the Lord needs me here. So now I am in Curitiba for the second time officially, and I am ready to work, and make goals, and take what I learned from Elder Holland and put it to good use.

Also this week end we had the opportunity to hear from Elder Holland. 👏👏. I learned a lot from him. One of the things he said is that as a missionary I am an apostle with a lower case a, and he is an Apostle with a capital A. This is because as missionaries we work side by side with the Quorum of the Twelve in the salvation of souls. He made it very clear that the most important thing that someone can do in their life is serve a mission, because nothing is more important than a human soul. He also talked about how we don´t have power over the conversion of anybody, but ourselves, so we need to make sure that we are converted. It is okay if some sheep leave the fold, but we cannot lose a shepherd. Also He talked about how in this church it is always forward. No matter how much you have learned, no matter how good you are, or how much responsibility you have or have had, you have to keep on learning. It was an amazing experience to be able to hear an Apostle of the Lord. Also it was a very good reminder that everyone is human, and everyone has faults, and that we don´t have to be robots in life. While Elder Holland was talking, he joked a lot. It helped everyone keep a light mood, but still learn. I am thankful for the time that I had with him. Also it was good to see that even a truckers strike can´t stop the Lord. All the missionaries in the missions Curitiba and Curitiba sul were able to get there (I think), and were able to get back safely.

Elder Holland shared a poem which he said is french, but he shared it in English

``Come to the edge.´´
``No, I´ll fall. It´s hard.´´
``Come to the edge.´´
``No, it´s hard. I´ll fall.´´
So I came to the edge, and he pushed me, and I flew.

I know that the work I am doing is of the highest importance, and I am very grateful to be able to be a part of this wonderful work.

Have a good week, and remember that you all can be a part as well.

-- Élder Pettingill

-The over 60 cookies that I made with 4 types
-My new soccer shoes so that I can learn how to play soccer
-The fire that we made in the barbeque with a bunch of boxes that were in the appartment.
-My and Elder Londoño´s knew thor(his) hulk(mine) ragneroc fight cups
-My knew companion Elder Verdugo.

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