Monday, September 3, 2018

União da Vitória Week 1

So first off I will talk a little bit about the area.

I am companions with Elder Fernandes. He is from São Paulo, but not the capital. He has been on the mission for about 5 months now, and he likes to play pranks, but so far not on me. He is a good missionary, and I like to work with him.

So I am in União da Vitória, which is a city on the border with another state. We cross the border a lot. Across the border the city is Porto União, and it is hard to tell which part is which. The branch here is basically a ward, and only isn´t a ward because there isn´t a stake which is can be part of. I am living in an apartment with four missionaries. Elder Fernandes, Elder Carver (he has about 6 months on the mission), Elder Silva (he arrived with me on the mission), and me. We live on the fifth floor of a building (the last floor), so that means that every time that we go home we have to go up 4 flights of stairs. It was not very fun to move in. So the branch is good, and the members are cool people. I am the District Leader of 6 missionaries. The four of us in the apartment, and 2 sisters Sister Acunha and a sister from Peru with a complicated name. The sister from Peru    is training Sister Acunha. The 6 of us go to the same branch so it is fun.

So in the area we are teaching some people that are making progress and I am still getting to know the area. The people here are nice or not nice. They either talk with us or don´t make eye contact. It is very different. I really like working with Elder Fernandes. He is very excited and full of motivation to work. We are helping one another do contacts and work hard.

So it is weird because normally this time of the year in Brazil it starts to get warmer, but the weather is being weird this year, and it is still cold. It has been cold and rainy this week, but luckily my shoes are still mostly waterproof, and there was an umbrella in the house that I could use.

I am excited to work and make this last part of my mission count.

One funny story this week before I finish, is that we were making brownies, and there is this thing called farofa here which they put on the rice and beans, that is basically ground up corn or some other grain, it looks a little like sand. Well I have peanut farofa that I use to make banana shakes, and so we were making brownies and I was like yeah let´s put peanut farofa in it. (people don´t normally have peanut farofa) so I told the other american, Elder Carver, that we were putting peanut farofa in the brownies, and we put it in. Then he comes in mad, and we were like ``what´s up?´´. He didn´t know what peanut is in Portuguese so he thought we put this other farofa in the brownies! We got a good laugh, and he felt better knowing that we just put peanuts in the brownies.

Have a good week and thank you all for the support.

-- Élder Pettingill

-Elder Bryan and I on splits
-Pizza with Elder Pereira
-The District (Elder Fernandes is the one with glasses)
-The 165 reais worth of coins that I had to trade in so that I could take the bus for some meetings this week

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